About Miya

image of a woman with short blue hair, wearing a yellow tanktop, standing in front of a green tree

Miya Kressin (she/her) lives in Wisconsin with her husband and three children, drinks a lot of coffee, plays with her two dogs (a German Shepherd and a Shiba Inu/ChowChow mix—both dogs are rescues), manifests glitter, collects and makes shiny math rocks (aka dice for TTRPGs), and tries not to spend all day writing. Miya is constantly in a battle with Lupus, and she is grateful for her readers and Patreon Patrons for their support of her writing.

With 40+ titles published currently, Miya writes in a variety of genres from paranormal romance and LGBTQ erotic romance to fantasy and dystopian fiction. She also has started her own indie publishing house, Pixie Wolf Publishing, to help other authors share their stories. Check out that page for purchasing my handmade dice, runes, other resin art, as well as picking up signed copies of my books when I have extra print ones available.